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Ample safety

error reporting system


PRoject Details

  • Role: UI/UX design

  • Tools: Google docs, Adobe illustrator, Adobe XD

  • Timeline: 

    • Oct 25th - Dec 4th, 2020

      • Total duration: 6 weeks

PRoject Description 

Challenge: Incidents occur often in the workplace but many error events are underreported. The current paper form system of reporting that most organizations follow make the process of reporting unintuitive. Moreover, worker's safety is not addressed as they should. So how can we design a usable error reporting system that prompts nurses and administrators to report all incidents to ensure a safer working environment?

Goal: Prevent future occurrence of error events and enhance safety measures in the nursing home setting,

PRoduct Description 

Ample Safety is a web based, error reporting dashboard system concept designed to track and report error events for administrators and nurses. The system provides report submission, processing, and data analytics based on reported data.

ample safety imac.png

Primary research 

The primary research was based on the information given by Dr. Barbara Millet who is the director of the University of Miami User Experience (UX) Lab and Professor at the School of Communication. Research shows that in the realm of traditional reporting, existing reporting systems are paper-based, and do not address worker safety. There are digital systems in place for accident reports. For near misses, there are only paper and verbal reports available. These physical forms are not easily obtained and require extra effort for staff to find them.

The system users are as follow:

Certified Nurse Aides (CNA),

Certified Medical Aides (CMA),

Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN),

Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) & Director of Nursing(DON), and administrators.

The findings from contextual inquiry shows the most frequently occurring error events are:

  • Slip, trips, and falls

  • Patient violence

  • Needle pricks

  • Accumulation of medical waste

  • Back strain

Secondary research

The purpose of the secondary research is to understand the current reporting system at nursing homes that will gather insights and validate product requirements. The questions asked were:

  • What Is OSHA? What is its purpose?

  • What is OSHA form 300/300a/301? How do they differ? 

  • What are the types of error events?

  • How does OSHA define a recordable injury or illness?

  • What is the OSHA accident-reporting process and timeframe? 

  • What’s required for workers’ compensation?

  • What are some best practices of dashboard design?


Click to access secondary research 

Concept map​s

To begin the design process, a mind map and a concept map were created first to help me empathize and define the information that the system should address. The two maps have similarities between them such as forms, data analytics, and reporting. Each bucket has relevant information that should be taken into consideration when moving on to the ideation phase. 

ample concept-04.png

Features and functions

  • Create new report

  • Review submitted report

  • Edit in-progress report

  • Append documentation to cases

  • Populate and generate OSHA/ Workers Comp forms

  • Dashboard analytics

Task lists

  • log in/ log out

  • Create/edit profile

  • Access to different report types (injury/illness, property damage, near miss)

  • Save in –progress report

  • Edit in-progress report

  • Complete/ submit incident 

  • Review submitted report

  • Append review to report

  • Complete, Print, & Share Forms for OSHA and Workers Comp

Design sketches

After the list of features and functions and task lists were compiled, I sketched out a few rough ideas of how I imagine the dashboard to look like. 

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Site map

Then the site map was created to map out the information architecture of the system. ​It helps me visualize and identify the navigation structure and the information needed for each section .

Case list view – 8.png

Task flows

Tasks flows were created to identify what are the steps to complete a task.

The 8 scenarios are:

  1. Review submitted incidents

  2. Submit workers comp

  3. Generate OSHA summary

  4. Edit and save in-progress report

  5. Create an incident report

  6. Search and print out a specific OSHA form from the previous year

  7. Edit profile information

  8. Mark employee on-leave as returned

ERRORuser flow-02.png

Annotated wireframes

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Later on, I made wireframes to help connect the site's information architecture to its visual design by showing the interactions.

  1. Drop down menu to select month of interest

  2. Click on edit to get taken directly to task

  3. Click on eye icon to detailed employee status

  4. click on time icon to access activity log

  5. log out

  1. Toggle to view employees on-leave or on-site

  2. Mark employees as returned

  3. Confirm button after marking employee as returned

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  1. Click on report number to access report details

  2. Click on create new button to create a new report

  3. Drop down filter by all, injury, illness, near miss or property damage

  4. Search bar

  5. Activity log

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  1. See full detailed employee or incident info

  2. save for later button

  3. If yes for time off request, show form fields to input date range

  4. Submit button

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  1. Continue to OSHA 301 button

  2. Back to case overview

  3. Export to print

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Style guide


Video walkthrough 


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