Mobile app

PRoject Description
COVID-19 is a problem that requires efforts at the community level to contain its spread. U Care COVID-19 mobile app will help students, faculty and staff access COVID-19 related information. At the core of this project we want to help protect each other and sustain a healthy campus environment.
PRoduct Description
An opportunity for a location-based app revolving around COVID-19 has introduced itself to the University of Miami community. The purpose of U Care COVID-19 app aims to allow the student body and faculty to easily locate resources such as personal protective equipment (PPE), testing location, and location densities to raise awareness of safe practice while also providing essential resources links to COVID-19 hotline and additional resources.
PRoject Details
August 24th- August 31: Empathize, Define, Research
August 31-October 11th: Ideate, Design
October 11th: Finish prototype
Total duration: 8 weeks
Help the UM community sustain a healthy environment

UX Researcher
UI Designer

6 teammates/ researchers
in total

To better understand the experiences, needs and wants of students and faculty regarding to COVID-19, the team conducted semi-structured, 1:1 interviews with 18 participants using a discussion guide and a pre-survey questionnaire to gather qualitative data such as demographics, learning/teaching mode, age, mobile app familiarity, and experience with UM app.
Key Results
Based on interview responses are grouped in three main areas:
Location Density
Most participants were unaware of the location density feature.
Access to essential resources
Some voiced the lack of accessibility of PPE's and have expected more access to hand sanitizers on campus
Access to COVID-19 related information
Clarity and transparency in their communication, as a pattern of difficulty in accessing the information / available resources
Concept Map


Affinity MApping
Design Strategies
Real-time location density feature
Wayfinding to the campus buildings and essential resources (PPE, testing site)
Peak time feature showing when a space is most busy / clustered
Color-blind accessible/high contrast tool in location densities table
Features, functions, task lists
Locate PPE stations
Get directions to PPE stations
View image of the selected PPE station
Locate testing site
Get directions to testing location
View image of the testing location
View location densities
Location density table at a glance
View peak times of locations
Status key to indicate whether a space is safe to enter or not
Color blindness accessibility tool/ high contrast
Book appointments
For COVID-19 testing
For booking a seat at the library
Access to COVID-19 related information
Florida COVID-19 Response
U.S Department of State Travel Advisories
Get technical support

Task Flows

Site map


Enter Cane ID and password to sign in
Choose mode of verification to duo authenticate the account
Log in
Duo authenication
Use search bar to find location of interest
Interactive campus map
Tap on the hamburger menu to expand navigation options
Tap to show PPE stations or testing location on the map

Landing page
Map Navigation
PPE Stations
Get directions
View image

Tappable red pins indicate PPE station locations
White box to provide location information
Tappable image icon that shows the actual image of the selected PPE station
GO button to get directions
Real-life image of the PPE station
Route from current location to selected PPE station
Style Guide
